YouGov Assets
I developed visually appealing graphics for collateral materials, meticulously aligning them with the brand's guidelines. These designs have subsequently been utilised in investor decks and various other presentations.
YouGov Assets
I developed visually appealing graphics for collateral materials, meticulously aligning them with the brand's guidelines. These designs have subsequently been utilised in investor decks and various other presentations.
To this day, this asset is still used to show stakeholders a path to purchase using YouGov products.

To this day, this asset is still sued to show stakehodlers
a path to purchase using YouGov products
YouGov Assets
I developed visually appealing graphics for collateral materials, meticulously aligning them with the brand's guidelines. These designs have subsequently been utilised in investor decks and various other presentations.
This asset is still in use today!

Path to Purchase graphic
The above graphic was originally presented in a brief to the incoming CEO to present a new way to use YouGov's data.
Brief for the creation
"we want to visualise how recent diversification in YouGov data products will enable the business to track a consumers path to purchase, using products such as YouGov Freewall and YouGov Safe".
First steps…
I researched the relevant aspects to YouGov's data, as well as the traditional path to purchase lifecycle, speaking with relevant stakeholders to understand how each of the YouGov products would feed in to this.
I tapped into YouGov's brand guidelines dossier for inspiration around personality, palette, and flow.
Having amassed the relevant information, I put together a first draft and worked with the Managing Director to rapidly iterate the design on a tight deadline.
From a simple brief to a successful acquisition bid…
The graphic became instrumental in YouGov's meetings with the European Commission over their eventual winning bid to acquire GfK's consumer panel business.